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Delaware Broadband Initiative

Ensuring that every Delaware resident and business has access to high-speed internet service.

Delaware Broadband Initiative

The Delaware Broadband Office was created to make sure all Delawareans have access to the full benefits of high-speed internet. Our job is to make sure all Delawareans have access to affordable high-speed internet and that they have the tools and skills to participate in our digital society.

We are at work right now working to connect everyone in Delaware to high-speed internet. If you believe you do not have access to high-speed internet, you can check to see if your address is already in our plan. If you don’t see your address on our map, you can email us at or give us a call at (302) 739-9701. We will respond to all voicemails within 48 business hours.

All Delawareans

Delaware is on its way to become the first state in the country with universal access to high-speed internet.

Delaware Students

$20 million in CARES Act funding will be used to build out additional infrastructure across Delaware

Internet Access

You can view maps of addresses in Delaware without internet access and see where we are funding new internet infrastructure


Learn how Delaware ensures everyone has access to the benefits of digital society and economy.

Subscribe for Updates from our Office

The Delaware Broadband Office is working to deploy high-speed internet to all Delawareans and close the digital divide. “Closing the digital divide” is another way of saying we want to bring full Digital Equity to Delaware, where everyone — regardless of age, background, or income level — can afford high-speed Internet, has the skills to navigate digital society safely, and can pursue digitally-based careers. You can subscribe to receive emails with updates about our work.



The National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA) approves Delaware’s Digital Equity Plan.


Delaware receives over $5 million in planning grant funding from the Biden Administration and begins plans to bring Internet to All Delawareans.


GIS Broadband Hub launched to help keep Delawareans updated on the project, search for service providers, or report lack of service for inclusion in the project.


Governor Carney announces the Delaware Broadband Infrastructure Grant Program to make high-speed wired broadband connections available to every home and business in the First State.

  • Grant opened on 10/18/2021.
  • Questions submitted by 10/29/2021.
  • Responses to questions provided 11/12/2021.
  • Submissions by vendors due /17/2021.



With funding made available through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Delaware was able to:

  • Expand high speed internet access, provide equipment and services for families for families facing financial challenges.
  • Support Delaware’s students.
  • Develop a Broadband Strategic Plan.
  • Launch a statewide speed survey to help collect pertinent data.


Delaware partners with Bloosurf to create the Rural Wireless Broadband Initiative.


DTI announces Rural Broadband Pilot.


Investment in expanding fiber backbone from Seaford to Lewes.


Completion of fiber line running from Middletown to Georgetown.